It was a very busy week in the art room! Lots of pictures to share this week. . . .
Many of the elementary students are studying line this month. Kindergarten learned about thick and thin lines with a lesson on Navajo blankets. Here is one of the paintings to come from that lesson.

First Grade completed a lesson on "broken lines". They looked at mosaic examples to first see how a line can outline shapes, but it does not need to be continuous.

To further their instruction in line, we completed a chart of different kinds of lines.

Third and Fourth Grade students are working on Bad Hair Day! In this lesson, students continue to refine their portrait drawing skills. They also create a wild hairdo for their portrait using a variety of lines that we studied and that they created on their own.

However, this was said in the art room, too. "I finally created one of my best portraits ever, but now I have to give him crazy hair!"

Fifth and sixth graders are continuing an extension of their Native American art history study by completing an art project based on the Winter Count. This item allows the Plains Indians to recored the past year through pictograms. While most Native American cultures practice oral traditions, many also use pictograms to record important events.

Fifth through eighth grade students completed a still life for a drawing placement test. WE will revisit this later in the year as a personal growth tracker.

Finally, here are the Arts Advocacy posters, completed by fifth through eighth grades, from the earlier part of the year. They are currently on display outside of the art room.