Sunday, September 30, 2018

Art Advocacy

What is advocacy? This was a topic the fifth through eighth grade students explored during the first month of school. Through a collaborative project, students learned how to share important messages about art's place in the world. Students brainstormed ideas on where one can find art, what constitutes art, and what impact art can have on people. Here are a few examples to share: All posters will be on display in the hallway outside the art room. Come see all of them for yourselves!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

So the Year Begins

As the first few weeks of school wind down, students wrap up their review and practice of classroom procedures with more fun art room projects. Third and fourth graders worked on portrait review. This culminated in them creating self portraits that will be used in a school-wide art piece. All students will create a self-portrait, with each grade level being represented in a different color of the rainbow. Fifth through eighth grades began a mini unit on the Elements of Art and Principles of Design, along with exercises on learning composition techniques. This mini unit prepares them for the rigors of this curriculum year, and supplies them with a working knowledge of the vocabulary and concepts they will incorporate into every unit of study. Here is a preview of the upcoming units: Kindergarten: Dots, Lines and Patterns First Grade: Lines Second Grade: Color Review with Kandinsky Color Painted Circles Third and Fourth Grades: Lines, Pattern, and Movement Fifth and Sixth Grades: Book Illustration Seventh and Eighth Grades: Impressionist Forgeries

Sunday, September 16, 2018

First Weeks of School

These past few weeks have been very full in the art room. Here are a few images from our week. Kindergarten students began learning about art centers. Here, they are learning a memory game using colors and shapes. Second graders are beginning a unit on color. This week we reviewed our color vocabulary and how to mix secondary colors. We also practiced proper painting skills. Fifth through eighth grades are completing an arts advocacy poster as they review the classroom procedures and expectations, as well as practicing collaboration skills.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Welcome Back to Art!

Welcome to Bethlehem Lutheran School's Art Class 2018 - 2019! Mrs. Kara Brown on Jupiter Ed (989) 755-1144 This course is filled with projects and activities that will boost your critical thinking habits, improve your collaborative participation, grow your creativity and develop your communication skills through writing and talking about art. We will focus our exploration of the art world through the Studio Habits of Mind. In this class you will. . . - Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work - Refine and complete artistic work - Analyze, interpret and select artistic work for presenation - Develop and refine artistic work for presentation - Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work - Perceive and analyze artistic work - Interpret intent and meaning in art - Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art - Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural historical context to deepen understanding Class Assignments: - Studio projects - Daily class participation - Art discussions - Class fundraiser - Quizzes and tests (grade appropriate) Grading: Each week students will receive points for artistic achievements and participation. Rubrics will be used by the instructor and, in some cases, by students for self-assessment. Rules and Responsibilities: - RESPECT: each other, yourself, the teacher - Properly use supplies, tools, and materials - Come prepared to work - Clean up after yourself - Be creative and use your imagination Behavior Consequences: 1. Verbal warning 2. Time out 3. Private talk with assistant principal 4. Making Better Choices form 5. Call home. personal meeting All notes on classroom behavior will be recorded in Jupiter Ed.