As the first few weeks of school wind down, students wrap up their review and practice of classroom procedures with more fun art room projects.
Third and fourth graders worked on portrait review. This culminated in them creating self portraits that will be used in a school-wide art piece. All students will create a self-portrait, with each grade level being represented in a different color of the rainbow.

Fifth through eighth grades began a mini unit on the Elements of Art and Principles of Design, along with exercises on learning composition techniques. This mini unit prepares them for the rigors of this curriculum year, and supplies them with a working knowledge of the vocabulary and concepts they will incorporate into every unit of study.

Here is a preview of the upcoming units:
Kindergarten: Dots, Lines and Patterns
First Grade: Lines
Second Grade: Color Review with Kandinsky Color Painted Circles
Third and Fourth Grades: Lines, Pattern, and Movement
Fifth and Sixth Grades: Book Illustration
Seventh and Eighth Grades: Impressionist Forgeries