March happened to be one of my favorite months this year, surprisingly. As I was saving images from student work, both in production and completed, I realized that the students have been producing some phenomenal things. The lesson shave challenged them, and I am proud of what is being accomplished in the art room. Here are a few things that have been going on. I really hope to show you some art that shows breadth and variety at this year's art show, coming up on May 9th! All students will have work in that exhibit. Also, I'll be announcing the students that will be included in this year's Annual REgional Show at Fashion Square Mall, taking place April 23 - 29, 2018. For now, here are some samples of what the students have been creating.
Students practiced shapes that they learned from Mrs. Wilson's class through artistic exploration. First, they drew "monsters" made from shapes, and then they had to draw their own shapes, but them out, and put them together into creations.

Second and Third Grades
March is Dr. Seuss month for elementary students. I love when students make their own fish after hearing the story
One Fish, Two Fish!

Fourth Grade
Students learned about portraiture during the Renaissance. In this unit, they learned how to create a portrait in profile. They also needed to create an environment and include props and clothing that could tell the story of the person they were illustrating.

Sixth Grade
The challenge here was learning what one point perspective was and how to use it in art! Here, students are creating their own cities using one point perspective.

Eighth Grade
In keeping with the clay study we started in the previous week, students now were able to create a vessel using the coil method.