Monday, May 30, 2016

What a year!

   Hello, Charger Families!  What a year it has been.  I feel so blessed to have been welcomed in to this amazing family.  Your students have made teaching an everyday delight.  There were so many wonderful memories created over the year.  Here a a few that I'd like to share.


Bethlehem and Holy Cross seventh and eighth graders helped to paint the windows at the Mid-Michigan Children's Museum. The theme was S.T.E.A.M.: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math.
Student work and artists at this year's Region 11 Michigan Art Education Association Exhibition at the Saginaw Art Museum.  Katie Henry (center, top row) made it into the state's Top 100!
Students were inspired to make art about Mrs. Brown's germs when I was sick this winter.  The top left picture shows that I was REALLY feeling poorly!



I just loved creating the set pieces for the school play.  
It was so satisfying to see it brought to life through the talents of our amazing students!
Jaden and me out at Fashion Square Mall to receive her award for the 29th Regional Student Art Exhibit.  She was selected as Best of Elementary for our school.  Way to go!

A job well done.  Student work on display at the annual Music and Art Extravaganza.

Student art from the course of the year will be coming home this week and the next.  My final newsletter from the art room will also be coming home.  It includes exhibitions to see, camps to attend, and resources for child and family fun in the region.  I hope you enjoy!  I have a lot of fantastic things planned for the following school year!


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Student Art Show Smashing Success!

Dear Charger Families,

I want to commend our students on a wonderful art show on May 11.  I am so proud of all of the hard work they put in to their units and lessons this year.  Here is a review of the exhibit.

The students did such a phenomenal job in art this year.  We are currently exploring clay, which we are able to do with the generosity of our family support of the Square One Art fundraiser!  I can't wait to post the pictures of our creations in my next blog!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Exciting Art Exhibits

The art room has been buzzing with activity this spring!  Students at all levels have shown their talents in so many ways, both in school and outside!

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory School Play
Thank you to the Fourth grade students for creating Oompa Loompas to decorate the gym for the school play.  Thank you to the students from Kindergarten, Fourth, and Sixth grades that became the silhouettes for the fundraising markers.  And kudos to the Fifth through Eighth graders that created candy-inspired art to grace the gym walls.  A lot of work went in to this production.  Just look at our two stars in front of one of my backgrounds!

29th Annual Saginaw County Student Exhibit
Today is the last day to venture out to the Fashion Square Mall to see our students' artwork on display.  Over 1,400 pieces of art from students ages Kindergarten through High School took over the center walks of the mall.  On May 11, during the Music Extravaganza, select students will be given awards for their outstanding work in this exhibition.

May 11 Musical Extravaganza

Please be sure to take in the student exhibit at Bethlehem's Annual Musical Extravaganza!  Work from every student at Bethlehem Lutheran School will proudly be displayed. Following the exhibit, students may carefully take their art home, if they wish.

Wrapping Up the School Year
And here it is. . . the close of a fantastic school year!  I can't believe that my first year at Bethlehem has gone by so quickly.  With just over a month left to go, I've saved a special treat for our students.  CLAY!  During the month of May, each class will look at ceramics, learn about different cultures that use clay, and experiment with different techniques.  

What a spring it has been.  More news to come!

Mrs. Brown